Additional Assistance

Report an Issue, Request Assistance or Submit a Suggestion

To report an issue, request assistance or submit a suggestion, please use the help desk.

Additional links are available in the software as 'Request Help' in the following locations:

After submitting an item to the help desk, you will receive a confirmation message. If you do not receive this confirmation message, please work with your technology support to confirm it did not get filtered as spam, and then contact the FCMAT main office at: 661-636-4611.

Once received, FCMAT will respond to requests for assistance within two business days. We respond in a shortened period when scheduling permits. Complex issues may require additional time for resolution. Suggestions are collected and reviewed for possible inclusion in a future version.

Responses provided by the help desk are intended to share the expertise of our office and are provided for informational purposes only. The responses are not intended as legal advice. If your matter involves interpretation of laws, regulations or court precedent or otherwise calls for legal advice, consult legal counsel before acting on information obtained from the help desk.

For emergencies, please contact the FCMAT main office at 661-636-4611.


Attend a FCMAT Workshop

FCMAT offers professional learning sessions on a myriad of topics, including Projection-Pro. To view the current schedule or request a local session, please visit our website: FCMAT Workshops.


List of Common Acronyms

Acronym Description
ADA Average Daily Attendance
COA Chart of Accounts
CSAM California School Accounting Manual
FTE Full Time Equivalent
LCAP Local Control and Accountability Plan
LCFF Local Control Funding Formula
LEA Local Educational Agency
MYP Multiyear Projection
SACS Standardized Account Code Structure
TK Transitional Kindergarten
UPC Unduplicated Pupil Count
UPP Unduplicated Pupil Percentage